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Your Lafayette CO Sprinkler Repair Specialists

Lafayette sprinkler repair technician educates homeowner after replacing a rain bird controller unitDealing with a broken sprinkler system can be frustrating. Many homeowners look for sprinkler repairs in Lafayette after damaging their own sprinklers, either by hitting them with a lawnmower or edger, waiting too late into the season for a system blowout, or letting exposure damage their valve box or sprinkler timer.

The good news is that you won't find a better sprinkler repair team anywhere in Colorado. Our dedicated men and women service homes and businesses all throughout the Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, and Broomfield areas with top quality services without all the frills and upselling you'll get a landscaping company. When you call our dedicated irrigation contractors, you won't get glorified handymen either: our team is nothing but professional when it comes to every aspect of the job.

Why Call Us for Sprinkler Repair in Lafayette?

irrigation contractor installing a new riser during a sprinkler repair in Lafayette, Colorado
  • We arrive on time, every time. Instead of giving you a six hour appointment window, our team member will give you an accurate appointment time and make that appointment. We don't overschedule our technicians because we would rather do a few jobs right than a lot of jobs wrong.
  • We provide up front pricing for all work. While many jobs do require us to be on the site before we can offer pricing, we will be happy to give you that number before getting to work, so you know exactly what to work.
  • Our team is qualified. Our irrigation contractors have worked with every part of your sprinkler system, and there's no sprinkler system damage that we haven't seen, and handled, before. All of our technicians are thoroughly trained, courteous, and drug free.

Yes! We Handle Seasonal Shut-Downs and Turn-Ons

the compressor we used for sprinkler winterization jobsIf you've lived in the Boulder area for a while, you're probably aware of just how important it is to have your sprinklers blown out before winter and turned on before summer. Our team has handled countless seasonal jobs using safe and effective compressors. If you want it done right, you're in the right place.